Creative Book Report

Sariya Noor
4 min readJun 13, 2021

Ella Minnow Pea


The Novel is set in Nollpoton, an island nation a few miles of South Carolina

One July morning in a bizarre series of events, one of the tiles — belonging to the Pangram Nollop created — which is engraved in the cenotaph, falls loose and takes with it the letter ‘Z’.

The High Council in their panic and ludicrous logic deems this happenstance as a sign from the ‘Almighty’ Nollop to remove the fallen letter from their vocabulary altogether.

This leaves the islanders shocked but even more shocking is the High Councils decision to continue this enforcement each time a letter falls with extreme consequence to those who fail to follow this law.

The High Council agrees to the Islanders challenge to create a pangram which would consist of 32 letters or less in the efforts to restore the alphabet back to its original status and this mission is rightly named from then on Enterprise 32.

As the novel continues we see how impossibly difficult communication becomes for the islanders as the letters continue to fall.

It is only when Ella presents the High Council with a Pangram more compact than Nollops as the answer to their challenge, that the ban on the alphabets is lifted and normalcy finally restored in the island.

The Island Tribune

22nd July

Adioz Z

Dear Nollopians, we are to say farewell to ‘Z’ soon, as per the new Statute.

Shocking news comes our way mere days after the unfortunate cenotaph incident and it’s difficult to say what the basis behind it might have been. What could have been the reason for this Groundless decision, was it purely superstitious? Or was there another sinister agenda behind it.

As you already know by now Nollopians, the cenotaph took some damage to it on the morning of July 17th and took along with it the letter ‘Z’. This while surprising was not exactly unimaginable as the monument is quite aged, but this incident seemed to have left the High Council in a state of panic leading to some unprecedented decision making which has left us islanders astounded.

While asking the islander for their opinion one of our Nollopian came forward and gave their candid opinion “The High Council’s reaction to the incident had left us stunned as most of us had regarded it as a mere accident.“

The Council members had gone into an emergency closed door chamber meeting for some debate and deliberation. But what was there to Debate? Is it so out of the realm of possibility that the tile fell on its own accord after staying put for nearly a Century. That the fixant holding it in its place could simply, no longer perform its desired function. Would this not be the most logical explanation?

Not to the High Council apparently who, among all their FIVE esteemed members, has taken the decision of paramount effect for all of us based on their “assumption” of what the meaning behind the incident might be.

In the words of Council mistress La Green Houston “There was, without doubt, purpose to the tumble this event constituting, in my belief, a terrestrial manifestation of Mr.Nollop’s wishes. Mr.Nevin Nollop speaks to us from beyond the grave, my fellow Nollopians. We will listen with open ears, discern his intent, and follow those wishes accordingly”.

It was decided on July 19th that Nollop’s desire with this “terrestrial manifestation” was to fully eliminate the letter ‘Z’ from our communal vocabulary. Failure to follow with the Almighty Nollops wishes would result in severe penalties which were decided just last evening.

These penalties are as follows — First Offenders will receive an oral reprimand by a member of the Island Law Enforcement Brigade.

Second Offenders will have a choice between body-flogging or being locked in the head stock upon the public square.

Third Offence, however is where the council means business, for third offenders face a choice between banishment or Death.

Yes Nollopians, you read correct, we get to DEATH as a choice.

All this is a frightening reminder of is, that our decisions are not ours to make anymore. Was this maybe the real intent behind the new statute? The complete control the higher authorities get to exhibit over the common folks. Because truly all we, as the citizens of this island are expected to do is quietly follow these decisions made FOR us, which will impact us every day for our remaining time on this land and accept them without question, no matter our opinion on them, just because of the presumed will of a dead scholar.

A scholar who in hindsight would argue logic, would he not, with all their wisdom and scholarship.

But Alas! The decision has been made and ‘Z’ is to be gone, expelled and forgotten, now only to be immortalized in our memory.

The Law takes effect from 7th August midnight, so till then have at it with all the ‘Z’ you want, for it will be put to permanent snooze after.



Sariya Noor

An aspiring writer based in India. I hope to be a Creative Content writer and create work that speaks for itself by engaging the readers.